IP54 diep ingeboude downlight 18W Gloria-120Cutout

IP54 diep ingeboude downlight 18W Gloria-120Cutout

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Deep Recessed Downlight IP54 IP65 18W
-Gloria G4 Series 120mm Cutout


  • Algemene inligting

    • Gloria G4 Series 5.5inch Deep Recessed Downlight
    • 15W/18W
    • 220-240vac
    • 50/60Hz
    • PF>0.95
    • Driving current 350-450mA
    • 0-10V/DALI/Triac-verduistering beskikbaar
    • -25℃~50℃ werksaam
    • 50,000ure leeftyd
    • 5 opsies in straalhoek

IP54 Deep Recessed Downlight 5.5inch's beam angles

  • Produk Funksies

Deliver health-care light for the anti-glare lens
Double reduced light glare for the big cut-off angle
Eenvormig verspreide lig binne straalverspreiding;
Hoë betroubaarheid vir uitstekende hitteafvoer & lug ventilasie;
IP65 rating protection from front direction available

  • Afmetings vir Spesifiseerder

IP54 Deep Recessed Downlight 5.5inch's dimensions

* Sny uit: 110-120mm


  • Tegniese besonderhede


Ⅰ. 18W IP54 Deep Recessed Downlight

IP54 Deep Recessed Downlight 18W's tech details


Ⅱ. 15W IP54 Deep Recessed Downlight

IP54 Deep Recessed Downlight 15W's tech details