
ARDEN Lighting rappresenta per noi un partner insostituibile nello sviluppo del prodotto e nello stile di lavoro: Happy Chinese New Year to our Friends

ARDEN Lighting closed for Chinese new year on 14th Jan, 2023, and will re-open on 29th Jan, 2023. So CNY holidays for ARDEN people will last for 15days. Sorry for any inconvenience caused to our dear customers, pls contact us on whatsapp/wechat or by mobile during the holidays in case of any inquiry. Appreciate support from our friends in the past year, we look forward to working with you and new [...]

ARDEN Illuminazione al Dragon Boat Festival 2018

Festa delle barche drago: Illuminazione ARDEN in vacanza dal 3 al 5 giugno

Festa delle barche drago, uno di 4 principali feste tradizionali cinesi, si chiama DuanWu Jie in mandarino. Cade il 5° giorno del 5° mese lunare, che è giugno 3 in 2022. Dal 3 al 5 giugno, tutto il personale di ARDEN Lighting avrà a 3 giorni di vacanza. Durante il Festival delle Barche Drago, le attività principali sono mangiare zongzi e gare di barche. ARDEN Lighting non ha organizzato attività per festeggiare quest'anno. But the company prepared [...]

proiettori da binario G2 12W

Luci XPanel: Ibrido perfetto di illuminazione d'accento/illuminazione d'ambiente

Panel lights against spotlights, what are the pros and cons? It is not a controversial subject for designers, but if we love them both, what can we do? XPanel Light is the answer! The idea of this series of lights originated from a project’s requirement, at first it is only a model of surface mounted panel light, adjustable and meet customer’s need to illuminate a given area with high-evenness light. [...]

luce tunnel 100W

Adattamento visivo del conducente: Fattore cruciale da considerare nell'illuminazione del tunnel

Tunnel lighting is different from ordinary road lighting, because it must be lit 24 hours a day, and the lighting intensity during daytime is higher than the lighting intensity at night. It can be imagined that the electricity cost of the tunnel is an important part of the running cost; in addition, the tunnel lighting is different from general road lighting, and has its particularities obviously, including needs to [...]

luce del colore della città e illuminazione della sposa

bg_image_new=: 500W City Colour Light ne esalta la bellezza e l'importanza

bg_image_new=, bg_image_new=. bg_image_new= 4.7 kilometers long in total and 2.3 kilometers long over the river. Focusing on the positioning and theme of the whole design, combined with environment-protection(avoid light pollution), safety(value traffic safety), innovation(avoid thoughtless cluttering), local culture(reflect Oujiang river’s landscape), artistic quality(harmoniously blend into surroundings on color) into the designing solution, concluded with an designing [...]